@extends('layouts.adminmaster') @section('styles') @endsection @section('content')

{{lang('Ticket Setting', 'menu')}}

@csrf @honeypot
({{lang('Simply customise your ticket ID. For example, SPT-1 is the ticket id. You can only customise the first letters of the ticket ID of your choice. It displays SPT-1 for the registered user and SPTG-1 for the guest user. By default, the letter "G" represents the guest user.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('ticketid')) {{ $errors->first('ticketid') }} @endif
({{lang('The character limit of a ticket title can be fixed here. Enter your desired ticket title’s character count. And characters in title now cannot exceed that value', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('ticketcharacter')) {{ $errors->first('ticketcharacter') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, customers cannot create multiple tickets at a time. Customers will be restricted to the value specified in "Maximum Number Of Tickets Allowed" untill the given timeframe "In Hours"', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('RESTRICT_TO_CREATE_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('RESTRICT_TO_CREATE_TICKET') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_TICKETS')) {{ $errors->first('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_TICKETS') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_HOURS')) {{ $errors->first('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_HOURS') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, customers can not "Reply" their tickets within the mentioned hours and tickets in the input fields as below.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('RESTRICT_TO_REPLY_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('RESTRICT_TO_REPLY_TICKET') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_REPLIES')) {{ $errors->first('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_REPLIES') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('REPLY_ALLOW_IN_HOURS')) {{ $errors->first('REPLY_ALLOW_IN_HOURS') }} @endif
({{lang('This setting is used to change the ticket status to "Waiting for response" when a customer doesn’t reply to the ticket within the mentioned hours in the input field, and an email will also be sent to the customer. If you disable this ticket setting, then it won’t change the ticket status.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('AUTO_RESPONSETIME_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('AUTO_RESPONSETIME_TICKET') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('autoresponsetickettime')) {{ $errors->first('autoresponsetickettime') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, the inactive ticket won’t be closed automatically. Users will need to close the ticket manually. If it is enabled, the inactive ticket will close automatically after the completion of the days that are mentioned in the input field below.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('AUTO_CLOSE_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('AUTO_CLOSE_TICKET') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('autoclosetickettime')) {{ $errors->first('autoclosetickettime') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, customers can not "Re-Open" their tickets. If it is enabled, then the customers can "Re-Open" their tickets within the mentioned days in the input field below. And if it is set to 0 (zero), then the customers can reopen their tickets at any time.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('USER_REOPEN_ISSUE')) {{ $errors->first('USER_REOPEN_ISSUE') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('userreopentime')) {{ $errors->first('userreopentime') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, the "overdue" status won’t reflect on the tickets table in the admin panel. If it is enabled and the users of an admin panel don’t give a reply to the customer within the mentioned days, then the ticket status changes to "Overdue."', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('AUTO_OVERDUE_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('AUTO_OVERDUE_TICKET') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('autooverduetickettime')) {{ $errors->first('autooverduetickettime') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, trashed tickets will be deleted automatically deleted after the time mentioned in the below input field.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('trashed_ticket_autodelete')) {{ $errors->first('trashed_ticket_autodelete') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('trashed_ticket_delete_time')) {{ $errors->first('trashed_ticket_delete_time') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this notification setting, read notification won’t be deleted from both panels, i.e., the customer and admin panel. If it is enabled, then the read notifications will be deleted after the completion of the mentioned days in the input field below.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('AUTO_NOTIFICATION_DELETE_ENABLE')) {{ $errors->first('AUTO_NOTIFICATION_DELETE_ENABLE') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('autonotificationdeletedays')) {{ $errors->first('autonotificationdeletedays') }} @endif
({{lang('If you "Enable" this setting, customers will only be able to see the name that you give in the below input field. They will not be able to see the employees name and role.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('employeeprotectname')) {{ $errors->first('employeeprotectname') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, the "Guest Ticket" option will disappear from the application’s header section.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('GUEST_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('GUEST_TICKET') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, an email will be sent to superadmin when a ticket note is created.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('NOTE_CREATE_MAILS')) {{ $errors->first('NOTE_CREATE_MAILS') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, delete ticket option will disappear from customer’s dashboard.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('CUSTOMER_RESTICT_TO_DELETE_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('CUSTOMER_RESTICT_TO_DELETE_TICKET') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, the "File Upload" option will disappear from the create ticket page, while creating or replying to the ticket.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('USER_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLE')) {{ $errors->first('USER_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLE') }} @endif
({{lang('If you disable this ticket setting, the "File Upload" option will disappear from the "Guest Ticket" page while creating or replying to the ticket to the guest users.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('GUEST_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLE')) {{ $errors->first('GUEST_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLE') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, the "Guest Ticket OTP" option will be disabled.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('GUEST_TICKET_OTP')) {{ $errors->first('GUEST_TICKET_OTP') }} @endif
({{lang('If you enable this ticket setting, the create ticket option will disappear from the customer’s dashboard.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('CUSTOMER_TICKET')) {{ $errors->first('CUSTOMER_TICKET') }} @endif
({{lang('If you "Enable" this setting, the "Rating Page" will not appear to the customers after closing the ticket.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('ticket_rating')) {{ $errors->first('ticket_rating') }} @endif
({{lang('If you "Enable" this "CC Mail" setting, the CC Mail input field options will appear on the Create Ticket, Admin Create Ticket, and Guest Ticket pages.', 'setting')}})
@if ($errors->has('cc_email')) {{ $errors->first('cc_email') }} @endif

{{lang('File Setting', 'setting')}}

@csrf @honeypot
@if ($errors->has('maxfileupload')) {{ $errors->first('maxfileupload') }} @endif
{{lang('MB', 'filesetting')}}
@if ($errors->has('fileuploadmax')) {{ $errors->first('fileuploadmax') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('fileuploadtypes')) {{ $errors->first('fileuploadtypes') }} @endif
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection