@extends('layouts.usermaster') @section('styles') @endsection @section('content')
@if($ticket->purchasecode != null && decrypt($ticket->purchasecode) != 'undefined')

{{lang('Puchase Code')}} :

{{ Str::padLeft(Str::substr(decrypt($ticket->purchasecode), -4), Str::length(decrypt($ticket->purchasecode)), Str::padLeft('*', 1)) }}
@if($ticket->purchasecodesupport == 'Supported') {{lang('Support Active')}} @elseif($ticket->purchasecodesupport == 'Expired') {{lang('Support Expired')}}

{{lang('Your support for this item has expired. You may still leave a comment but please renew support if you are asking the author for help. View the item support policy')}}

@else @endif
{{lang('Ticket Information')}}
@if ($ticket->subcategory != null) @endif @if ($ticket->project != null) @endif @if($ticket->replystatus != null && $ticket->replystatus == "Solved" || $ticket->replystatus == "Unanswered" || $ticket->replystatus == "Waiting Response") @endif @php $customfields = $ticket->ticket_customfield()->get(); @endphp @if($customfields->isNotEmpty()) @foreach ($customfields as $customfield) @if($customfield->fieldtypes != 'textarea') @if($customfield->privacymode == '1') @php $extrafiels = decrypt($customfield->values); @endphp @else @endif @endif @endforeach @endif
{{lang('Ticket ID')}} : {{ $ticket->ticket_id }}
{{lang('Category')}} : @if($ticket->category_id != null) @if($ticket->category != null) {{ $ticket->category->name }} @else ~ @endif @else ~ @endif
{{lang('SubCategory')}} : {{ $ticket->subcategories->subcatlists->subcategoryname}}
{{lang('Project')}} : {{ $ticket->project }}
{{lang('Opened Date')}} : {{ $ticket->created_at->format(setting('date_format'))}}
{{lang('Status')}} : @if($ticket->status == "New") {{ $ticket->status }} @elseif($ticket->status == "Re-Open") {{ $ticket->status }} @elseif($ticket->status == "Inprogress") {{ $ticket->status }} @elseif($ticket->status == "On-Hold") {{ $ticket->status }} @else {{ $ticket->status }} @endif
{{lang('Reply Status')}} : @if($ticket->replystatus == "Solved") {{ $ticket->replystatus }} @elseif($ticket->replystatus == "Unanswered") {{ $ticket->replystatus }} @elseif($ticket->replystatus == "Waiting Response") {{ $ticket->replystatus }} @else @endif
{{$customfield->fieldnames}} : {{$extrafiels}}
{{$customfield->fieldnames}} : {{$customfield->values}}
@if(setting('businesshoursswitch') == 'on')
@if(setting('supporticonimage') != null) img @else img @endif

{{setting('businesshourstitle')}} @foreach(bussinesshour() as $bussiness) @if(now()->timezone(setting('default_timezone'))->format('D') == $bussiness->weeks) @if(strtotime($bussiness->starttime) <= strtotime(now()->timezone(setting('default_timezone'))->format('h:i A')) && strtotime($bussiness->endtime) >= strtotime(now()->timezone(setting('default_timezone'))->format('h:i A'))) @if($bussiness->starttime != "24H") online @else online @endif @else @if($bussiness->starttime != "24H") offline @else offline @endif @endif @endif @endforeach


    @foreach(bussinesshour() as $bussiness) @if($bussiness->weeks != null)
  • @if($bussiness->weeks == 'Sun') {{$bussiness->weeks}} @else {{$bussiness->weeks}} @endif
    @if(now()->timezone(setting('default_timezone'))->format('D') == $bussiness->weeks) Today @endif
    @if($bussiness->status == "Closed") {{$bussiness->status}} @else {{$bussiness->starttime}} @if($bussiness->starttime !== null && $bussiness->endtime != null ) - @endif @if($bussiness->starttime !== null && $bussiness->endtime ) {{$bussiness->endtime}} @endif @endif
  • @endif @endforeach

{{ $ticket->subject }}

{{lang('Created Date')}} {{$ticket->created_at->diffForHumans()}}
{!! $ticket->message !!}
@foreach ($ticket->getMedia('ticket') as $ticketss) @php $a = explode('.', $ticketss->file_name); $aa = $a[1]; @endphp
@if($aa == 'jpg' || $aa == 'jpeg' || $aa == 'JPG') @elseif($aa == 'pdf') @elseif($aa == 'csv') @elseif($aa == 'png') @else @endif

{{ $a[0] }}

.{{ $a[1] }}
{{-- Reply Ticket Display --}} @if ($ticket->status == 'Closed') @if (setting('USER_REOPEN_ISSUE') == 'yes') @if (setting('USER_REOPEN_TIME') == '0')
@csrf @honeypot

{{lang('This ticket is closed. Do you want to reopen it?')}}

@else @if($ticket->closing_ticket != null) @if (now()->format('Y-m-d') <= $ticket->closing_ticket->adddays(setting('USER_REOPEN_TIME'))->format('Y-m-d'))
@csrf @honeypot

{{lang('This ticket is closed. Do you want to reopen it?')}}

@endif @endif @endif @endif @elseif($ticket->status == 'On-Hold') @else @if($comments->isNotEmpty()) @if ($ticket->status != 'Suspend') @if($createdcount != null && $createdcount >= setting('MAXIMUM_ALLOW_REPLIES')) @else
@endif @endif @else @if ($ticket->status != 'Suspend')

{{lang('Reply Ticket')}}

@csrf @honeypot
@error('comment') {{ lang($message) }} @enderror
@if(setting('GUEST_FILE_UPLOAD_ENABLE') == 'yes')
{{lang('The file size should not be more than', 'filesetting')}} {{setting('FILE_UPLOAD_MAX')}}{{lang('MB', 'filesetting')}}
@endif @endif @endif @if($comments->isNotEmpty())


@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection